St Paul's - Eco Church

St Paul's Healey - Caring for God's Creation


Bird Nesting Boxes

We have installed nest boxes on the walls of the church and outbuildings to help wild birds have somewhere safe to nest and bring joyous birdsong into the churchyard.

We already have a family of blue tits in the box on the left in this picture

We also have swift boxes on the north facing wall of the church, hoping to attract the interest of juveniles in 2019 so they return to nest in them in 2020. The nest site is close to an active nest in the old vicarage so 'screaming parties' of swifts are already overhead and a sound system is not necessary to attract their interest.


Bug hotel

We have a small bug hotel on a south facing wall to give solitary bees a place to rear their young.



Some areas of the churchyard are not mown short to enable wildflowers to establish to provide nectar and pollen to flying insects.



We know there are bats living inside the church and roosting above the organ. They have been spotted flying around and their droppings are evident. We welcome these endangered flying mammals who have found a home in our church.



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